Files hidden in very deeply nested archive in ###

paddy paddy at PANICI.NET
Fri Nov 26 13:27:21 GMT 2004

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On Fri, Nov 26, 2004 at 10:19:03AM -0200, Dennis Robert Kelbert wrote:
> What this what to say?
> ----------->  Files hidden in very deeply nested archive in NUMBER
> I´m trying to find some help reading for errors in google and MailScanner but i find nothing...

Mailscanner unpacks MIME, zips, etc recursively up to a limit, after
which it logs this error.  The number is the message id, it is
useful for cross-referencing this logging with other logging
related to the same message and for finding information (like
copies in quarantine, or still queued) that has been filed by
the message id. 

The limit is configurable in the parameter
'Maximum Archive Depth' found in /etc/MaliScanner/MailScanner.conf.

I would imagine the limit exists both to see off attacks, and
because it tends to indicate stuff you don't want.  I've an idea
that zip bombs have been seen in the wild before.

Perl 6 will give you the big knob. -- Larry Wall

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