OT - Firewall suggestion

Ugo Bellavance ugob at CAMO-ROUTE.COM
Thu Nov 11 20:30:01 GMT 2004

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Steve Campbell wrote:
> Traffic in or out is still traffic, and the firewall still has to DROP, DENY
> whatever. I have considered the DROP, but for now, I just quit logging these
> packets until the ISP returns my call. As each one is from a different IP,
> I'm hoping they will carry the ball and determine the real offender. The
> packets seem to average about 11 per second. Although this is nothing
> astronomical, it is a problem.

If you've got a firewall that is connected to the internet, there is
nothing you can do to prevent anyone sending packets to it.  The only
thing you can do is block them at an upstream level...

> Thanks for the suggestions, though.

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