Auto marking mail to nonexistent email address as spam

Jan-Peter Koopmann Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Sat May 29 12:10:18 IST 2004

On Friday, May 28, 2004 11:22 PM Chris W. Parker wrote:

> well in cases like mine (maybe the op is in the same boat) i
> used mailscanner in front of an exchange server and since mailscanner
> (until recently) has no knowledge of a valid user within the domain

IMHO this is not MailScanners job. Give your MTA knowledge of the valid Exchange e-mail addresses. Either by using LDAP queries to Active Directory or by extracting all valid e-mails and automatically building a whitelist for your MTA. I prefer the second option due to the security implications of method one.

Kind regards,

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