PDF Woes -- Need example

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri May 28 02:01:10 IST 2004

At 01:18 28/05/2004, you wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
> > Behalf Of Julian Field
> > Sent: Friday, 28 May 2004 12:29 AM
> > Subject: Re: PDF Woes
> >
> >
> > Here is the start of a PDF file before Outlook has got anywhere near it:
> > 0000000   %   P   D   F   -   1   .   3  \r   %   â   ã   Ï   Ó  \r  \n
> > 0000020   1   3   1   7   4       0       o   b   j  \r
> > And when it has been sent to a copy of sendmail (but before sendmail has
> > done anything with the data at all)
> > %
> > 0000660   P   D   F   -   1   .   3   =   0   D   %   =   E   2   =   E
> > 0000700   3   =   C   F   =   D   3  \n   1   3   1   7   4       0
> > 0000720   o   b   j   =   0   D
> > The first \r gets correctly turned into =0D. The \r\n is converted into
> > \n.
> > So Outlook has already screwed the file by converting it into
> > quoted-printable. When these lines are put back together by MailScanner,
> > if
> > it has had to rebuild the body of the message, it packs them according to
> > the quoted-printable spec, which leaves them in a state where Acrobat
> > can't
> > read them.
> >
> > What I will try is have MailScanner rebuild text/pdf and application/pdf
> > (and the x- versions) as Base64, to see if that helps. It can't help
> > Outlook's corruption, which has already happened, but it may avoid making
> > the situation any worse.

Do you have a PDF file which you know which both
a) Outlook 2003 sends as quoted printable, and
b) gets corrupted by the clean message signing function

I need something to test against to see if rebuilding using Base64 makes 
any difference at all, or whether the damage is already done before the 
message is rebuilt. I don't want to just "suck it and see" as it probably 
is going to waste a lot of my time...

If you can get something to me quickly, I can add the code before the 1st 
June release. Would be good to have a fix in that release if we can.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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