MailScanner[31525]: SpamAssassin timed out and was killed, consecutive failure 1 of 20

Jan-Peter Koopmann Jan-Peter.Koopmann at SECEIDOS.DE
Thu May 27 09:00:54 IST 2004

On Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2004 9:50 Idan Plotnik <idan at SECURENET.CO.IL> wrote:

> But I don't use Razor's servers!

<pray> God give me strength.... </pray>

- You said you are having SpamAssassin timeouts. The most likely cause are DNS problems.

- You also said you are ruling out DNS problems. I asked why you are so sure about this. Did you debug DNS and SpamAssassin properly or did you just wake up in the morning and were somehow sure that DNS is not the cause?

- I also asked if you checekd Razor/DCC.

Your answer to my DNS question is "But I don't use Razor's servers!"????? PLEASE!!! CONCENTRATE! This would make helping you so much easier.

Again: Why do you say DNS cannot be the problem? SpamAssassin relies heavily on DNS for all kinds of RBL lists that are enabled by default. So unless you disabled all RBL checks in SpamAssassin, it will make tons of DNS queries for each and every message you process.

Moreover: Are you using any special rulesets like BigEvil? If so think about changing them to if somehow possible.


Jan-Peter Koopmann
Senior Engineer

Seceidos GmbH
64293 Darmstadt/Germany

Phone:  +49 (6151) 66843-43
Fax:    +49 (6151) 66843-52
E-Mail: jan-peter.koopmann at

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