auth smtp, postfix, dnsbl duls lists

Frank Louwers frank at OPENMINDS.BE
Mon May 24 18:02:46 IST 2004

Hi Guys,

First of all a big "thank you" to Jullian! I get mails from all my
customers telling me how great mailscanner is!

But I have a question. We use postfix + mailscanner + bitdefender +
several dns blacklists, including one or two which list dail-up- and
dynamic cable/dsl ip's. This seems to stop quite
a bit spam!

However, one my mailservers is also configured to allow auth-smtp from
our customers. The problem is that postfix doesn't seem to add a header
that can be used to distinguish "normal" smtp from "authenticated smtp".

So mail from clients that are on a connection with a dynamic ip and use
the auth-smtp server, are tagged as {Spam}...

Does anyone have a solution for this? Or knows of a way to add headers
to Postfix 1.x?

Kind Regards,
Frank Louwers

Openminds bvba      
Tweebruggenstraat 16  -  9000 Gent  -  Belgium

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