Postfix docs

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon May 24 11:30:08 IST 2004

At 11:14 24/05/2004, you wrote:
>At 10:22 24/05/2004, you wrote:
>>On Sun, 23 May 2004 17:53:23 +0100, Julian Field wrote:
>> > I have just changed the Postfix installation documentation at
>> >
>> > so it describes the "single instance" method of using Postfix, as this
>> does
>> > seem significantly better, certainly in light of Wietse's addition of an
>> > "example" using port 10026 which means there are yet more differences
>> > between the incoming and outgoing setups.
>>Does the Mailscanner init script support starting and stopping only one
>>instance of postfix, or does this need to be adapted? I don't see any
>>sign of special cases in the 4.29.7 init script...
>I need to make the init.d script try to detect if you are running one
>instance or two. Any advice on the most reliable way of doing that? Could
>look for /etc/ directory perhaps?

The init.d script already checks for existence of /etc/
before attempting to start the incoming Postfix. So it should handle the
single Postfix setup just fine.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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