Consistency improvement of %org-name%

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri May 21 16:15:48 IST 2004

Good idea.
Depending on the weather this weekend, I might take a look at it.
Oh, hang on, just checked the weather forecast, looks nice and sunny :-)

At 15:28 21/05/2004, you wrote:
>Once upon a time, way back in the early days of MailScanner, the headers
>it inserted had names of the form:
>    X-MailScanner:
>    X-MailScanner-SpamCheck:
>It then became apparent that it would be good practice to tailor these to
>each site.  Thus "%org-name%" was introduced into "MailScanner.conf",
>coupled with default values that used it:
>    X-%org-name%-MailScanner:
>    X-%org-name%-MailScanner-SpamCheck:
>So sites following this recommended good practice automatically do the
>"Right Thing" with simply a single adjustment in the "MailScanner.conf"
>that defines "%org-name%" (the "Mail Header").
>But the files (e.g. "") in the "reports/*"
>directories still (version 4.30.3) begin:
>    From: "MailScanner" <$localpostmaster>
>    To: $from
>    Subject: {Bounce} Unsolicited commercial email rejected
>    X-MailScanner: generated
>Note that last line.  Could these "reports/*/*.txt" files be re-written
>to use a similar default mechanism?  Something along the lines of:
>    X-$orgname-MailScanner:
>    $mailheader:
>(give or take some syntactic sugar).  I suppose this might entail some
>code adjustment, but I suspect this would be minor.
>Then the emails (relatively few) generated from within MailScanner
>automatically by default become consistent with those (the many) that pass
>Julian:  It's probably the sort of thing that you could do quicker than
>any of the rest of us because of your deep knowledge of the (your!) code.
>But if you want me to take a preliminary look, let me know.
>:  David Lee                                I.T. Service          :
>:  Systems Programmer                       Computer Centre       :
>:                                           University of Durham  :
>:            South Road            :
>:                                           Durham                :
>:  Phone: +44 191 334 2752                  U.K.                  :
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Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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