spamassassin config questions

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue May 18 21:14:14 IST 2004

At 20:54 18/05/2004, you wrote:
>Good afternoon,
>   I've had MailScanner installed since february and I've been very
>pleased with it.  Up to now, I've been using it to strip all attachments
>of harmful types and its worked wonders.
>   Now I'm trying to config Spamassassin and not getting far.  Using the
>webmin module for MailScanner>spamassassin section, I've set the "Use
>Spamassassin" to Yes.
>   Is that it?  Seems too easy.
>   I've searched the archive items to no avail.  Is there a standard
>spamassassin config that people on the mailing list are most happy with?

You don't say you have installed SpamAssassin.
         perl -MCPAN -e shell
         install Mail::SpamAssassin
         service MailScanner restart

Otherwise, if you have installed it, check your maillog for any errors. But
otherwise, that's all you need to do. There are extra things you can do to
improve its spam detection rate, but that is all you need to get started.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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