4.30.2 & new option problem

Plant, Dean dean.plant at ROKE.CO.UK
Tue May 18 14:31:15 IST 2004

Quentin Campbell wrote:
> Julian
> How can I disable the "Ignore Spam Whitelist If Recipients Exceed =
> 20" option in MS 4.30.2? Do I set it to "0", blank or a very large
> number?
> Having this option "ON" could have serious consequences! We have gone
> to some trouble to ensure that no outgoing mail from this site is ever
> tagged as spam. This is very important since we do not want important
> announcements to staff/students, etc, being accidentally filtered into
> "junk" folders by personal mail filters because the message was tagged
> as spam.
Why not disable spam checks all together for your domain by using a ruleset on the Spam Checks setting?

Dean Plant


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