MailScanner <defunct> ?

Hongwei Li hongwei at MORPHEUS.WUSTL.EDU
Mon May 17 19:49:47 IST 2004


I installed clamav 0.70, spamassassin 2.63 and MailScanner-4.30.3-2 on
RedHat Fedora Core 1 Linux system with sendmail 8.12.10-1.1.1.  The
MailScanner was working after the installation (I enabled clamav and sa)
last week -- I can see the added header lines from the received mails.
However, since this week, it shows "defunct":

# ps xa | grep Mail
 3597 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/perl -
I/usr/lib/MailScanner /usr/sbin/MailScanner /etc/MailScanner/
 4515 ?        Z      0:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]
 4516 ?        Z      0:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]
 4517 ?        Z      0:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]
 4518 ?        Z      0:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]
 4521 ?        Z      0:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]

I tried to comment out sa, clamav, etc. in MailScanner.conf and changed
many other option in it, but still get the above output.  Can somebody
help me to figure out why?

I appreciate all the help!

Hongwei Li

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