MailScanner vs. Amavisd

Muenz, Michael linux at LEUTE.SERVER.DE
Tue May 11 12:06:11 IST 2004


> In this case the comparison is unfair then, since you say MailScanner
> doesnt catch all the viruses that amavisd catches, yet you have an extra
> virus scanner (a VERY good one) installed on amavisd - you should be
> VERY careful about posting your conclusions and not including all the
> facts as they could very easily be the difference of 10 viruses per day ?

There was an update last days of F-Prot. They told about problems
with decoding MIME attachments. And I also have added clamavmodule
to MS.
Last 24 hours no virus get through.

Sorry that my first thought was that MS is the main problem.

- Michael

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