MailScanner vs. Amavisd

Pete pete at
Thu May 6 12:59:40 IST 2004

Muenz, Michael wrote:

>>Once you've done that and if you're still finding stuff that gets
>>through perhaps you could report exactly what here so that folks
>>round these parts can find out why.  Are you using the
>>same virus scanner in both cases?  Would you mind telling
>>us how many mails you process each day to we can get that
>>figure of 10 per day in perspective.
>With MailScanner i use F-Prot. With amavis F-Prot and ClamAV.
>(I don't think ClamAV is better that F-Prot).
>Inbound Mails are about 20000 a day. Viruses that get caught by
>MailScanner about 3000 a day.
In this case the comparison is unfair then, since you say MailScanner
doesnt catch all the viruses that amavisd catches, yet you have an extra
virus scanner (a VERY good one) installed on amavisd - you should be
VERY careful about posting your conclusions and not including all the
facts as they could very easily be the difference of 10 viruses per day ?

Plus the test needs to be tried in reverse before anyone can say one
system is better at catching viruses than the other...

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