problems with bitdefender

David While David.While at UCE.AC.UK
Sun May 2 12:33:38 IST 2004

Saw that but with it set to $1 it doesn't work and with it set to $2 it does work.
if you do a --update you have to parse the output of the command. If there was no update it outputs "No update available" - this is what I did in my modified autoupdate script.
By default the bitdefender rpm doesn't install in /usr/local/bd7 but in /usr/bin so the output of the command
/usr/lib/MailScanner/bitdefender-wrapper /usr/bin /tmp is:


// BDC scan report
// Time: Sun May  2 12:32:34 2004
// Command line: --log=/tmp/log.bdc.26742 /tmp
// Core: AVCORE v1.0 (build 2095) (i386) (Dec 10 2003 16:34:47)
// Engines: scan: 12, unpack: 3, archive: 34, mail: 6
// Total signatures: 76391

/tmp/mem100.mdb ok

Folders           :298
Files             :1
Packed            :0
Infected files    :0
Suspect files     :0
Warnings          :0
I/O errors        :0
Files/second      :1
Scan time         :00:00:01


David While

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: MailScanner mailing list on behalf of Julian Field 
	Sent: Sun 02/05/2004 11:54 
	Subject: Re: problems with bitdefender

	At 11:24 02/05/2004, you wrote:
	>I have just upgraded to the latest version of MailScanner and the
	>bitdefender scripts don't work.
	>1. It is not detected as being installed. This is because
	>bitdefender-wrapper should have $2 not $1 on line 46.
	Wrong. Read line 32.
	>2. There is no message output in the log to indicate whether there was an
	>update or not.
	But if it just does a --update how am I supposed to know if there was an
	What happens if you do
	/usr/lib/MailScanner/bitdefender-wrapper /usr/local/bd7 /tmp
	after you have undone any changes you made to the script.
	Julian Field
	Professional Support Services at
	MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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