simple question!!! Why?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sat May 1 15:04:43 IST 2004

At 13:02 01/05/2004, you wrote:
>1. Martin thanks a lot
>2. about RBL lists, where I configure the RBL list in the
>spamassassin/MailScanner ?
>     I know this line in the MailScanner.conf "Spam List = ORDB-RBL #
>MAPS-RBL+ costs money (except"
>     but I don't know if this line OK or NOT.

That is where to put RBL lists in MailScanner.conf. The names (such as
ORDB-RBL) that you use in that line must be defined in spam.lists.conf. The
format of that file is obvious, if you need to change it.

>3. I looked over this file "spam.assassin.prefs.conf" and I found this :
>whitelist_from          monty at
>Who is "monty at" and why I am getting my whitelist from him ?

It is a sample email address. You are not getting your whitelist from him,
you are whitelisting messages from him. It means "whitelist messages from"
and not "get whitelist from".
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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