MS stops working randomly

Jim Robinson jim at LINUX-SP.COM
Wed Mar 31 23:30:20 IST 2004


When it quits, do a this:
ps aux | grep clam

I sometimes get a hung ClamAV update script that seems to hold the whole
thing up.  I recently updated to a more recent version of MailScanner &
ClamAV and I have yet to see the problem again.   In fact, in the dim past
of my memory I seem to recall a bug reported about this but then maybe not.
Anyway, check your running processes and look for a hung update.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jacques Caruso" <jacques at MONACO.NET>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:04 AM
Subject: MS stops working randomly

> Hi,
> I've still an ongoing problem with MS. Sometimes, MS just stops
> processing mail (it doesn't die, the threads just idle), causing a
> bottleneck in the mail queue -- and it can be very big if I don't happen
> to notice that MS has gone on vacation. It happened again yesterday, you
> can see the result at
> Note that once it happens, MS never restarts, the decrease after
> midnight is due to this line I put in the crontab as a precaution some
> time ago :
> 30      0       *       *       *       /etc/init.d/mailscanner restart
> Does someone else has seen this problem ? FYI, my current MS config is
> like this (only lines modified from the default Debian configuration are
> listed) :
> %report-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/reports/fr
> %org-name% = Internix
> Max Children = 5
> Run As User = postfix
> Run As Group = postfix
> Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/
> Outgoing Queue Dir = /var/spool/postfix/incoming
> MTA = postfix
> Sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
> Sendmail2 = /usr/sbin/sendmail
> Deliver Unparsable TNEF = yes
> File Command = /usr/bin/file
> Virus Scanners = clamav
> Virus Scanner Timeout = 40
> Allow Password-Protected Archives = yes
> Allow Partial Messages = yes
> Allow External Message Bodies = yes
> Allow IFrame Tags = yes
> Allow Object Codebase Tags = yes
> Quarantine Whole Message = yes
> Information Header = X-%org-name%-MailScanner-Information:
> Spam Score Character = *
> Information Header Value = See <> for
> Hostname =
> Scanned Subject Text = [SCANNED]
> Virus Subject Text = [VIRUS]
> Filename Subject Text = [FILENAME]
> Content Subject Text = [BLOCKED CONTENT]
> Spam Subject Text = [SPAM]
> High Scoring Spam Subject Text = [SPAM]
> Attachment Encoding Charset = ISO-8859-15
> Notices Include Full Headers = yes
> Notices To = postmaster at
> Local Postmaster = postmaster at
> Max SpamAssassin Size = 65536
> Required SpamAssassin Score = 1
> High SpamAssassin Score = 3
> Always Include SpamAssassin Report = yes
> Log Speed = yes
> Log Spam = yes
> If it can help, I can try to extract the MailScanner logs around the
> time the problem happened, but I never found anything suspicious in
> there (the main clue about this is precisely that MS threads stop
> logging)...
> Cheers,
> -- 
> [ Jacques Caruso <jacques at>                  Développeur PHP ]
> [ Monaco Internet                  ]
> [ Tél : (+377) 93 10 00 43                        Clé PGP : 0x41F5C63D ]
> [ -*- Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!--Guybrush Threepwood -*- ]

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