Slow mail processing

Jacques Caruso jacques at MONACO.NET
Wed Mar 31 17:06:13 IST 2004

Le mercredi 31 Mars 2004 17:51, Dan Spray a écrit :
> thousands of messages in the queue.  I really am only interest in
> running the virus checks (clamav) and local Spamassassin checks
> (bayes, evil_numbers, etc.) so that may be a problem too.I don't see
> how to limit the Spamassassin checks to local check only in the MS
> conf so that may be my problem.  I have pasted a snippet from the

Try this in /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf :

use_dcc         0
use_pyzor       0
use_razor2      0
skip_rbl_checks 1
dns_available   0

That should do the job.

[ Jacques Caruso <jacques at>                  Développeur PHP ]
[ Monaco Internet                  ]
[ Tél : (+377) 93 10 00 43                        Clé PGP : 0x41F5C63D ]
[ -*- Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!--Guybrush Threepwood -*- ]

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