whitelist problems
Don Newcomer
newcomer at DICKINSON.EDU
Mon Mar 29 21:01:48 IST 2004
I sent a message earlier but it didn't appear to make it to the list so I'm
trying again. I'm running MailScanner 4.28.5-2 with SpamAssassin 2.63.
I've run into occasional problems with messages to this list being picked
up as spam because of the content we send around. Because of that, I've
added the following line to my spam.whitelist.rules file:
The asterisk covers both this list and the MAILSCANNER-ANNOUNCE list.
However, this morning I had the attached message picked up as spam from
this group. I just noted that the message contains another message with
its own "To:" line. Could that have confused MS/SA?
Don Newcomer Dickinson College
Senior Manager, Systems P.O. Box 1773
newcomer at dickinson.edu Carlisle, PA 17013
Phone: (717) 245-1256
FAX: (717) 245-1690
-------------- next part --------------
From mailscanner at SMITS.CO.UK Mon Mar 29 08:21:00 2004
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Thread-Topic: Mailscanner-4.28.6-1 and SPAM Actions= attachment deliver
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Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 11:10:56 +0100
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From: MailScanner <mailscanner at SMITS.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Mailscanner-4.28.6-1 and SPAM Actions= attachment deliver
Precedence: list
X-Dickinson-MailScanner-Information: Please contact the ISP for more
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X-MailScanner-From: owner-mailscanner at jiscmail.ac.uk
Hi Kevin,
On Exchange 2003 I am seeing full original headers and body in plain
text with HTML markups as per sample below (my edits to user and server
info). What format mangling are you seeing? I don't recall any mangling
from Exchange 2000. Messages used to look very similar to this when my
mail server was on 2000. Certainly plenty for sa-learn to get its teeth
Received: from mailscanner.mydomain.com ([x.x.x.x]) by exchange.local
over TLS secured channel with Microsoft SMTPSVC
(5.0.2195.6713); Wed, 24 Mar 2004 02:36:02 +0000
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X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.5.6944.0
Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Subject: Make Your Love Life Better - Get Instant Growth Formula tBCzd
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 03:34:31 +0100
Message-ID: <676561144113.pQUKi5 at Bart>
Thread-Topic: Make Your Love Life Better - Get Instant Growth Formula
Thread-Index: AcQRSMAMTAsPPY/IQXyiCG/b97RyOg==
From: "Stephen i. Keen" <EvaySwain at gummerus.fi>
To: "Bart J. Smit" <user>
Reply-To: "Stephen i. Keen" <EvaySwain at gummerus.fi>
<b><h3>Is your John.son too Inad.equate</h3>
<h2><b><a href=3D"http://b9UZkTWRp.pimpstars.com/p/p.php">Get =
IGF2(Instant Growth Formula), O.rder Here</a></h2></b>
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-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On
Behalf Of Spicer, Kevin
Posted At: 29 March 2004 10:29
Posted To: MailScanner
Conversation: Mailscanner-4.28.6-1 and SPAM Actions= attachment deliver
Subject: Re: Mailscanner-4.28.6-1 and SPAM Actions= attachment deliver
MailScanner wrote:
> On Exchange you have better options than forward. Create public
> folders (e.g. goodmail for FP's and junkmail for FN's) and ask your
> users to drag and drop the messages into those. This will give you
> access to full message headers. To preserve single instance storage
> the Exchange server moves the pointer for the message into the public
> folder; you are seeing the exact message the users received.
> I have modified an IMAP retrieval script to pull these messages
> automagically for sa-learn. Search the list archive for 'folderdump'.
That works fine on exchange 5.5 (from what I've heard) but exchange 2000
messes up the message format when accessed through imap or pop (from
personal experience)
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