Check SpamAssassin If On Spam List -RBL setup.

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sat Mar 27 11:55:55 GMT 2004

At 19:26 26/03/2004, you wrote:
>I am currently:
>storing and not delivering High-scoring spam.
>tagging and delivering regular scoring spam.
>I would like to use RBLs in the following way:
>1) reject connections via  MTA (sendmail) if  sender MTA is in xbl-sbl
>or (this is working!)
>2) have MailScanner Mark as High-scoring spam if sender MTA is in any
>two of another set of RBLs.. and not do any further SA checks... (and
>therefore not deliver)
>3) proceed with SA checks for all other messages (include SA RBL checks)
>I am confused about the following comments in MailScanner.conf:
># If a message appears in at least this number of "Spam Lists" (as defined
># above), then the message will be treated as "High Scoring Spam" and so
># the "High Scoring Spam Actions" will happen....
>Spam Lists To Reach High Score = 2
># If the message sender is on any of the Spam Lists, do you still want
># to do the SpamAssassin checks? Setting this to "no" will reduce the load
># on your server, but will stop the High Scoring Spam Actions from ever
># happening.
># This can also be the filename of a ruleset.
>Check SpamAssassin If On Spam List = yes
>the two coments seem to contradict each other.

Oops, my mistake. The first comment is correct, the 2nd one isn't.

>   If I set
>"Check SpamAsssassin If on Spam List = no"   then will messages whose MTA
>'s IP was found by Mailscanner
>on 2 RBL's be treated as High Scoring spam or not?

They will be treated as High Scoring spam.

Got any better suggestions for the 2nd comment?

>My relevant Mailscanner.conf settings currently
>Spam Domain List =
>Spam Lists To Reach High Score = 2
>Is Definitely Spam = no
>Definite Spam Is High Scoring = yes
>Use SpamAssassin = yes
>Check SpamAssassin If On Spam List = yes
>Spam Score = yes
>shanna leonard
>arizona health sciences library

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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