MailScanner & Solaris: /tmp permissions reset (?)

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Mar 23 19:42:42 GMT 2004

At 19:29 23/03/2004, you wrote:
>Hello.  I'm new to MailScanner, but it's working well.  Here's the setup:
>Solaris 2.7
>MailScanner 4.28.6
>ClamAVModule (ClamAV 0.67-1)
>SpamAssassin 2.6.3
>Sendmail 8.9.2
>Does MailScanner ever set permissions on /tmp (e.g. for the LockFile or
>something)?  I don't know.

No, it doesn't. Must be something else doing it.

>My reason for asking:  lately, I have seen the permission mode on /tmp (and
>with our Solaris, we use swap/tmpfs on /tmp) change from 1777 (i.e. sticky
>bit set) to 755, which prevents various processes from writing temporary
>files.  This seems to happen at random.
>I don't necessarily suspect MailScanner; I'm just starting there because I
>note that this has only started happening since my install, and I haven't
>installed anything else within the last several months.
>In MailScanner.conf, I have not moved the work directory to /tmp as been
>discussed (didn't see a particular need).  In other words, I have:
>Incoming Work Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming
>Lockfile Dir = /tmp
>Run As User =
>Incoming Work User =
>Incoming Work Group = clamav
>TIA for any suggestions or pointers.
>sjlist at

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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