Final steps for my MS server

Peter Bonivart peter at UCGBOOK.COM
Thu Mar 18 21:49:47 GMT 2004

Jason Williams wrote:
> Now im still working out the kinks on a few things with sendmail,
> specifically on getting the mail gateway to relay the mail to the internal
> server.

That's basically one line in mailertable.

> But one thing I wanted to ask was, since im using a mail gateway server,
> what is the recommended path for outgoing mail? Should I filter it to go
> back out through the mail server, or should I just use our private mail
> server as the outgoing smtp server?

You shouldn't have to worry about sending spam but it's always good to
virus scan outgoing mail so you can use a ruleset to bypass SA for mail
originating from inside. That will save a lot of resources.

> If I do decide to have outgoing mail sent through the mail gateway, that
> would mean that email will follow this path:
> clients MUA --> Private Mail Server ---> MailScanner Mail gateway --->
> internet
> Seem right?


> Does anyone currently use this particular setup? If so, any recommendations
> that you recommend?

I guess most use that setup.

/Peter Bonivart

--Unix lovers do it in the Sun

Sun Fire V210, Solaris 9, Sendmail 8.12.10, MailScanner 4.25-14,
SpamAssassin 2.63 + DCC 1.2.30, ClamAV 0.67 + GMP 4.1.2, MailStats 0.25

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