Dangerous html tag?

Randal, Phil prandal at HEREFORDSHIRE.GOV.UK
Thu Mar 18 18:11:37 GMT 2004

> So, the more finely tuned we can make this, the better. For example,
> flash objects are blocked when Object Codebase is set to no.
> It would be
> nice to allow loading remote flash objects, remote midi embeds, etc..
> and still block port 81 bagel urls that request php scripts.
> Maybe I'd be better off doing that with a SA rule?
> Ken A.
> Pacific.Net

And in the meantime deny access to port 81 on the net.

I thought we had, but I've just fetched a nice bit of VBScript and an .exe
pretending to be a .jpeg file, aka Bagle.q.



Phil Randal
Network Engineer
Herefordshire Council
Hereford, UK

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