selective virus scanning

Mariano Absatz mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR
Thu Mar 18 17:22:47 GMT 2004

Hi Julian,

I know you were (are) quite busy... but have you read this one I sent 

We're already doing some pieces of this and I'd like to know, at least 
the answer to the simple individual questions about MailScanner.conf 
settings and what happens now if some of the recipients of a message 
yield one answer in a ruleset and others yield another one...

Thanx again for MailScanner and all the support you provide.

El 17 Mar 2004 a las 10:13, Mariano Absatz escribió:

> Hi,
> I have a large customer (an ISP) that wants to selectively apply virus
> scanning based on the recipient address. That is, some target addresses
> are to be scanned and some others not.
> I plan to develop a set of functions to handle this...
> I'll even modify the code if I must.
> I have a few questions about this:
> The 'Virus Scanning =' setting has a comment that says: 'This switch
> actually switches on/off all processing of the email messages. If you
> just want to switch off actual virus scanning, then set "Virus Scanners =
> none" instead'.
> Does it mean that if "Virus Scanning = no", it won't call SpamAssassin?
> If I use "Virus Scanners = none", I should also disable all internal
> "Allow External Message Bodies" and the like if I don't want any virus
> detection at all, should I?
> I recall a discussion about what happened when you had a bunch of
> recipients in the same message and some wanted one treatment and the rest
> another... what I don't recall is if there was a solution to this
> (besides configuring the MTA to replicate the message once for every
> recipient, which I wouldn't like to do). Is there any nice solution to
> this?... otherwise, I'll probably have to hack something in
> and to handle the case thru some kind of message duplication
> only when needed.
> --
> Mariano Absatz
> El Baby
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that
> heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'
>          -- Isaac Asimov

Mariano Absatz
El Baby
"Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff"
on ftp and let the rest of the world mirror it."
                          -- Linus Torvalds

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