4.29 performance..

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu Mar 18 13:58:46 GMT 2004

At 12:34 18/03/2004, you wrote:
>after commenting on the amount of time 4.28.x was taking on my system I
>thought you'd be interested in some info on 4.29.2...
>Some of my users live in far away lands and have a simple mail
>/etc/alias to forward on to their 'home' email.
>So email comes in, gets scanned (virus, spam etc), dumped into
>MailWatch's mysql DB, sent of to the corporate email server, gets
>redirected back out via the MS gateway. Where it only gets virus scanned
>and then into the mysql DB again and finally off to the end users email
>in 4.24.4 this showing about 5 seconds between the two entries in the
>mysql DB
>in 4.28.x this was more like 30 seconds...
>in 4.29.x this is down to 6-7 seconds.
>Thank you very much for looking at (and fixing) the problem..

Glad to hear the speedups have helped. I wasn't at all sure how much
difference it would make, the improvement was only slight on my test systems.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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