Make sure im doing this right

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Mar 17 15:08:17 GMT 2004

At 15:05 17/03/2004, you wrote:
>Our Mailscanner / SpamAssassin / Bayes / Big Evil List / ChickenPox /
>SpamCop.Net setup has been doing so well I have never gotten a false
>positve (although I get false negatives every so often).
>We have the Spam score set to 6 and high scoring spam set to 10.  We
>deliver spam and delete high scoring spam.
>Ive been thinking about lowering the high scoring spam to 8 and lowering
>spam to 5.  Lowering the spam level to 5 would basically wipe out all my
>false negatives.
>My question is this:  What is the "normal" settings.  Is 5 and 8 for high
>scoring spam too low?

I use 6 on the basis that a few false negatives is better than 1 false
positive. I have 1800 users with that setting, and don't hear any reports
of false positives. People don't bother checking their spam folders any
more. I don't use the high score as I need to deliver everything to leave
my users in control, which makes them a lot happier.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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