[Clamav-announce] announcing ClamAV 0.70-rc (fwd)

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Mon Mar 15 23:23:01 GMT 2004


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 22:38:20 +0100
From: Luca Gibelli <luca at clamav.net>
To: clamav-announce at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Clamav-announce] announcing ClamAV 0.70-rc

ClamAV 0.70-rc has been released.

The two major changes in this version are new thread manager in clamd
and support for decoding MS Office VBA macros. Both of them have been
implemented by Trog. Besides, there are many improvements and bugfixes
(all listed in ChangeLog), a short summary:

-) clamd
    + new thread manager (with better SMP support)
    + on-access scanning now also available on FreeBSD (with Dazuko 2.0)
    + new directive: ArchiveDetectEncrypted
    + handle SIGHUP (re-open logfile), SIGUSR2 (reload database)

-) clamav-milter:
    + TCPWrappers support

-) libclamav:
    + fixed crash with some RAR archives generated by the Bagle worm
    + support for MS Office documents (OLE2) and VBA macros decompression
    + support for encrypted archive detection
    + new flags: CL_OLE2, CL_ENCRYPTED (see clamdoc.pdf, Section 6.1)
    + improved support for mail files (especially bounces)
    + improved RAR support

-) clamscan:
    + new option: --detect-encrypted

-) freshclam
    + new option: --pid, -p (write pid file if run as daemon)
    + handle SIGHUP (re-open logfile), SIGTERM (terminate with log message),
      SIGALRM and SIGUSR1 (wake up and check mirror)
    + fixed bug with -u and -c handling

-) documentation:
    + new Polish documentation on ClamAV and Samba integration
    + official documentation updated

Special thanks to Dirk Mueller <mueller*kde.org> for the code review and
many bugfixes and cleanups.

We are happy to announce new programs with support for ClamAV (all of
them have been reviewed by our team):

    + j-chkmail - a powerful filter for sendmail
    + qscanq - Virus Scanning for Qmail
    + clamavr - Ruby binding for ClamAV
    + DansGuardian Anti-Virus Plugin
    + ClamAssassin - a filter for procmail
    + Gadoyanvirus - a filter for Qmail
    + OpenProtect - a complete e-mail protection solution
    + POP3 Virus Scanner Daemon
    + mailman-clamav - a virus filter for Mailman
    + wbmclamav - a webmin module to manage ClamAV
    + Scan Log Analyzer
    + mailgraph - a RRDtool frontend for Postfix Statistics
    + INSERT - a security toolkit on a credit card size CD
    + Local Area Security - a Live CD Linux distribution

The ClamAV team (http://www.clamav.net/team.html)

Luca Gibelli (luca at gibelli.it || bofh at oltrelinux.com)
Home Page: http://www.nervous.it

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