General questions regarding MS, SpamAssassin stuff

Peter Bonivart peter at UCGBOOK.COM
Fri Mar 12 22:00:05 GMT 2004

Jason Williams wrote:
> I want to start off with RBL checks. It looks like you can have MS do rbl
> checks. However, I can also setup rbl checks in sendmail. Is there a better
> one to use? Would it be better to configure rbl checks in my .mc file and
> build it into sendmail, or should I allow MS to do the RBL checks? Is there
> a better performance booster if one is used over the other?

MTA: less resources, less control
MS: medium resources, medium control
SA: most resources, most control

There's more in the FAQ.

> Secondly, i've been able to get MS and ClamAV to gel nicely. Everything
> appears to work nicely. Sending the test eicar virus is immediately
> detected by MS and ClamAV, which is very nice. Right now, im debating on
> whether to add another AV scanner and which one.

CA eTrust is cheap if you want another one.

> Since my MS machine is going to be running as a mail gateway system, what
> are some general, recommended methods for setting up spam
> identification/traps? For instance, if I want to take advantage of bayes,
> it appears that I have to keep a copy of the email in a certain directory
> and then run a command against the emails in the directory. I may be
> posting on the wrong list and if so I apologize.

Are you talking about manual training of the db? Depending on your
e-mail system it can be tricky, Exchange (no surprise) is the worst. I
don't train my db manually and have very good Bayes results anyway. It
learns itself from very low and very high scoring messages. Start
running Bayes and if you don't think it's accurate enough, then add
manual training.

/Peter Bonivart

--Unix lovers do it in the Sun

Sun Fire V210, Solaris 9, Sendmail 8.12.10, MailScanner 4.25-14,
SpamAssassin 2.63 + DCC 1.2.30, ClamAV 0.67 + GMP 4.1.2

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