Mailscanner and Vexira?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Mar 11 20:42:56 GMT 2004

eTrust from CA.

At 20:27 11/03/2004, you wrote:
>Thank you Bill,
>Yup - we are still small and have low mail overhead.  Thanks for the info, I
>appreciate the help!
>Our budget is small too - which is why I picked Vexira.
>Does anyone have any suggestions for a virus scanner that fits a budget of
>$200/yr and can integrate with MailScanner?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: William Burns [mailto:William.Burns at]
>Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 10:00 AM
>To: MailScanner mailing list
>Subject: Re: Mailscanner and Vexira?
>I'm a mailscanner newbie, installing "w/ vexira".
>I just configured a test machine w/ both CA-eTrust antivirus (called
>from mailscanner) as well as Vexira in sendmail-milter-mode.
>(SuSE 9 professional workstation, on a VMWare machine on my 1Ghz laptop)
>I haven't tested w/ any mail volume yet.
>My guess is that if you've got a 36GB disk (assuming that you're
>delivering mail locally) you don't have much of a mail volume, so it
>sould be fine.
>I'm not aware of a config that lets me have vexira be called from
>Kristine Kimm wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Has anyone implemented MailScanner with Vexira? Could you please tell
> > me what kind of a performance hit the two apps generate?
> >
> > Our mail system is running on some older hardware - when we get some
> > funds we will upgrade but for now we are on a dual 450 PII Compaq with
> > 500Mb's ram and about 36Gb's disk space. Running Redhat 8 - I am
> > hoping this is enough to support adding Vexira.
> >
> > Thanks for any info.
> >

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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