mails stuck in /etc/ (mailscanner tries starting again and again...)

Henry Harvey thisismyphlist at YAHOO.COM
Thu Mar 11 15:51:36 GMT 2004

If I do
postqueue -c /etc/ -p
it gives me a bunch of emails that
were received.

So I think MailScanner is not working well
since it should get the emails from there,
do its job, and then dump it back to
"/etc/postfix" right?

And on my mail log, I keep getting
MailScanner[21190]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner
version 4.28.5 starting... 
every tens seconds and each time, the process id
is different. So MailScanner can't actually
start because of something or it just dies.

Any idea where could have I
gone wrong? Where does MailScanner logs
the errors?

I appreciate any help.

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