High-scoring virus spam not scanned

Peter Bonivart peter at UCGBOOK.COM
Sun Mar 7 18:51:24 GMT 2004

Ugo Bellavance wrote:
> Cool, thanks Peter.

Actually, I don't deserve credit for it. Phil Randal posted it a while
ago and I read everything. ;-)

 >MailScanner does not bother to virus scan emails which are flagged as
 >high-scoring Spam when the "High Scoring Spam Actions" do not deliver
 >or forward, even if the items are stored in quarantine. I'd like to
 >know that we're storing a virus, so the workaround I use with sendmail
 >  High Scoring Spam Actions = store forward spam at localhost.localdomain
 >and add to /etc/aliases
 >  spam  /dev/null
 >(and then do a "newaliases")
 >I've added this to the FAQ-o-matic.

/Peter Bonivart

--Unix lovers do it in the Sun

Sun Fire V210, Solaris 9, Sendmail 8.12.10, MailScanner 4.25-14,
SpamAssassin 2.63 + DCC 1.2.30, ClamAV 0.67 + GMP 4.1.2

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