Download rate

Jeff A. Earickson jaearick at COLBY.EDU
Sat Mar 6 22:21:49 GMT 2004

Sheesh, who had time to run 4.27?  I ran 4.26.8 until last Monday,
then that day I installed 4.27.7 (ran two hours), 4.28.1 (maybe an
hour), then 4.82.2 before the end of the day.  I upgraded thruout
last week, ending up with 4.28.5 (stable) by Friday morning.  I have
noticed no difference between the 4.28 series and 4.26.8 in terms
of performance, no slowdowns or other problems.  My setup: Solaris
9 (V1280), SA 2.63, perl 5.8.2, razor 2.36, sophos 3.79 (sophosavi),
clam 0.76 (clammodule).

As for my howl to the list last week about more spam with 4.28, I
discovered on Friday that I had goofed up my "Spam List" declarations
in a couple of versions of 4.28 relative to what I had in 4.26.
Once I fixed that, the spam in my mailbox vanished again.  Life
is good, thanks to Julian.

Jeff Earickson
Colby College

On Sun, 7 Mar 2004, Pete wrote:

> Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2004 08:57:11 +1100
> From: Pete <pete at>
> Subject: Re: Download rate
> > Guilty as charged! I was one of those downloaders. :o)
> > Installing it went smoothly. Great job again Julian!
> >
> > Although you are entitled to get some welldeserved rest, I sure hope you
> > will keep up the good work!
> Have to agree with the above, entirely.
> Be nice if those who are running could post with a description on how
> its running for them? I havent upgraded yet but plan to on Tuesday.
> Specifically interested in how other feel about the speed of this
> release Vs 4.27
> thanks
> Pete

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