Spam: Re: # SENDMAIL_RELAY Question

Pentland G. g.pentland at SOTON.AC.UK
Thu Mar 4 21:46:27 GMT 2004

This is M4...  when you do the make it will add this (slightly altered) into the cf.  You shouldn't ever modify the cf file by hand.

What this will do is force the box with this code to send all mail that *would* be selected as local (and use the local delivery agent) the to host you specify.

It also does some address rewriting.

If you're not familiar with this kind of stuff then I suggest you read the o'reilly book on sendmail.

Before you make this live ensure you have thoroughly tested it and it does do what you expect and want.

Sendmail -bt (and optionally some other flags) puts sendmail into test mode.

/parse user at

will run that address through the rules and it'll tell you what it will do.

Hope that helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Gercke [mailto:gercke at HNM.DE] 
Sent: 03 March 2004 15:01
Subject: Re: Spam: Re: # SENDMAIL_RELAY Question

Sorry i´m not very familiar with sendmail config. Where should i add 
this (sendmail.m4 or

When i add this, will the machine called mailscanner relay the mails or 
must i add all domains to /etc/mail/relay-domains ?

Pentland G. schrieb:
> Try this...
> # If email is bound to the local domain, what will do local delivery for us?
> dnl
> D{DefaultLocalDeliveryHost}YOURHOST.DOMAIN.COM
> # Allocate a slot for the domain name
> R$+                                                             $: < > $1
> # Addresses qualified with the local machine name - unqualify them
> R< > $+ < @ $j . >              $: < > $1
> # Addresses qualified with a local domain - unqualify them
> R< > $+ < @ $=w . >             $: < > $1
> # Anything else on the qualification is non-local so return and parse normally
> R< > $* @ $*                            $@ $1 @ $2
> # Anything unqualified qualify with the local domain
> R< > $+                                                 $: < $M > $1
> # Now send these local emails to the default local delivery servers
> R< $+ > $+                                      $#esmtp $@ ${DefaultLocalDeliveryHost} $: $2 < @ $1 . >
> Hope that helps.
>       -----Original Message----- 
>       From: Daniel Gercke [mailto:gercke at HNM.DE] 
>       Sent: Wed 3/3/2004 11:39 AM 
>       Cc: 
>       Subject: # SENDMAIL_RELAY Question
>       Hello,
>       i have a problem. im running a mailserver with a lot of domains and
>       users. now i hav setup another server with mailscanner. now for some
>       domains i want incoming mails will go through mailscanner and
>       mailscanner should relay this to the old mailserver.
>       for mail coming for world this works fine. but wenn a lokal domain form
>       mailserver sends to another lokal account this mail wouldn´t send
>       through mailscanner this mail will localy delivered.
>       Now my question:
>       What would happen if i add SENDMAIL_RELAY="mailscanner" to
>       sendmailconfig of mailserver ? Will there be a mailloop between these
>       machines?
>       --
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