Now that we scan for executables in .zip files....

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Mar 4 14:25:31 GMT 2004

At 14:11 04/03/2004, you wrote:
>One of our (savvy) users emailed me to say:
> >Im trying to send an email with zipped and renamed exe files
>Mailscanner intercepted and did say unto us:
>"Consider renaming the files or putting them into a "zip" file to avoid
>this constraint."
>The files were, of course, in a zip file.
>So, what do we need to do to that error message so that recipients of the
>reject message don't get completely confused?

How about you edit the report file if you don't like what it currently says?
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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