Calling all translators

Massimo Gaspari max.gaspari at MERCATONEUNO.IT
Thu Mar 4 11:55:01 GMT 2004

English :

"Message contained archive which could not be read"
"Message contained password-protected archive"


"Il messaggio contiene un archivio che non può essere letto" or "Il messaggio contiene un archivio che non è stato possibile aprire"
"Il messaggio contiene un archivio protetto da password"

-----Original Message-----
From: Julian Field [mailto:mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK] 
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 11:39 AM
Subject: Calling all translators

Hi folks!

It's translation time again. I would like you all to translate these strings into your language of choice. They are used when unreadable or protected archives and zip files are found.

         Message contained archive which could not be read

         Message contained password-protected archive

Many thanks.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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