Need a help to understand

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu Mar 4 10:08:56 GMT 2004

At 05:29 04/03/2004, you wrote:
>I probably don't understand what the 'Silent Viruses' option supposed to do.
>My goal is to make the MailScanner to stop sending people (recipients) the
>notification about the infected emails.  To achieve that I listed all
>possible viruses under 'Silent Viruses' option in the MailScanner.conf file.
>Silent Viruses = HTML-IFrame All-Viruses Klez Yaha-E Bugbear Braid-A
>WinEvar Palyh Sobig Fizzer Netsky Bagle MyDoom

That would work for those named viruses.

>Is the above correct or I should make a list similary to: Netsky.b Netsky.c
>Netsky.d Netsky.f etc...  I can see some people list all the possibilities
>of viruses' names. /?/

You don't need to.

Just set
Silent Viruses = All-Viruses
and it will stop notifications for any of them, assuming you have a recent
enough version of MailScanner. Check the comments above the Silent Viruses
setting, it should mention this.

>My solution to list all names under 'Silent Viruses' option doesn't work,
>people gets notified and all viruses are logged in the maillog file.
>Should I try with the rules file?  What is the difference between listing
>the virues' names under the MailScanner.conf file and the rules file?
>This is my second option which I have not tested yet.
>Silent Viruses = /etc/MailScanner/rules/
>Virus: Netsky   no
>Virus: Bagle    no
>Virus: MyDoom   no
>Virus: NoVarg   no
>Virus: SCO      no
>Virus: Dumaru   no
>Virus: Holar    no
>Virus: Klez     no
>Virus: Mimail   no
>Virus: Swen     no
>Virus: Valla    no
>Virus: Bugbear  no
>Virus: default yes

Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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