Need a help to understand

Magda Hewryk mhewryk at SYMCOR.COM
Thu Mar 4 05:29:31 GMT 2004

I probably don't understand what the 'Silent Viruses' option supposed to do.

My goal is to make the MailScanner to stop sending people (recipients) the
notification about the infected emails.  To achieve that I listed all
possible viruses under 'Silent Viruses' option in the MailScanner.conf file.

Silent Viruses = HTML-IFrame All-Viruses Klez Yaha-E Bugbear Braid-A
WinEvar Palyh Sobig Fizzer Netsky Bagle MyDoom

Is the above correct or I should make a list similary to: Netsky.b Netsky.c
Netsky.d Netsky.f etc...  I can see some people list all the possibilities
of viruses' names. /?/

My solution to list all names under 'Silent Viruses' option doesn't work,
people gets notified and all viruses are logged in the maillog file.

Should I try with the rules file?  What is the difference between listing
the virues' names under the MailScanner.conf file and the rules file?

This is my second option which I have not tested yet.
Silent Viruses = /etc/MailScanner/rules/

Virus: Netsky   no
Virus: Bagle    no
Virus: MyDoom   no
Virus: NoVarg   no
Virus: SCO      no
Virus: Dumaru   no
Virus: Holar    no
Virus: Klez     no
Virus: Mimail   no
Virus: Swen     no
Virus: Valla    no
Virus: Bugbear  no
Virus: default yes


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