4.28.4, works great!
Julian Field
mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Wed Mar 3 19:42:39 GMT 2004
At 19:28 03/03/2004, you wrote:
>Jeff Earickson wrote:
>> Installed 4.28.4 this morning, turned on quarantining,
>>works great (setup: sol 9, perl 5.8.2, sophos 2.79, clam
>>0.67-1, using sophossavi and clamavmodule, SA 2.63, razor).
>>Lots of emails that generate:
>>ERROR:: File was encrypted
>>in syslog turn out to be infected with Worm.Bagle.F-zippwd-3
>>when I fun the quarantined files thru clamscan.
>>I also have not noticed any significant increase in load/
>>slowdown on my system (a Sun V1280) because of the new code.
>>Great work, many thanks.
>>Jeff Earickson
>>Colby College
>I know you said that you weren't intending to do another stable release
>for several weeks but I think this change is such a major safety feature
>that it would be worth doing. What do you think? It would help those who
>only subscribe to the Freshmeat mailing list to get the new and improved
>version and I would think that you would be the first with a real,
>workable, secure solution to the password encrypted virus in a zip
>problem. A real coup!
I just want to "settle" the code for a couple of days first. I don't want
to do a stable release and have to replace it 24 hours later. But
otherwise, great idea!
>Just another point that made me smile today, I happened to notice that
>on the bottom of an automated signature from a company that pays $$$ to
>Messagelabs they were stating: 'This message has been scanned by
>Messagelabs for viruses, it should be noted that we can not scan
>encrypted or password protected messages'. Looks like even the mighty
>Messagelabs have not worked a fix yet!!
Aw, shucks :-)
>Well done, a great result for MailScanner, still the best (IMHO ;-) )
Thankyou. That is much appreciated.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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