Upgrade from an very OLD release
Rabellino Sergio
rabellino at DI.UNITO.IT
Wed Mar 3 17:41:02 GMT 2004
Julian Field wrote:
> At 15:22 03/03/2004, you wrote:
>> I've not understood on how to re-create the old feature "Deliver From
>> Local Domain = no" that was used in 3.x release of
>> mailscanner...
>> The conf's instructions tells me to create a "ruleset" for Deliver
>> Cleaned
>> ... (a file .conf ?) configured (I believe)
>> like :
>> From: mylocaldomain no
>> FromOrTo: default yes
>> But Mailscanner complain about a binary option (yes or no) only
> Set
> Deliver Cleaned Messages = /etc/MailScanner/rules/deliver.cleaned.rules
> in MailScanner.conf.
> Then in /etc/MailScanner/rules/deliver.cleaned.rules put this:
> From: yourdomain.com no
> FromOrTo: default yes
> and substitute your own domain name for "yourdomain.com" in the line above.
> Then reload MailScanner (service MailScanner reload) or just restart it,
> and the rules will be applied.
> This general-purpose ruleset system applies to virtually all configuration
> options in MailScanner.conf, and so is a *lot* more flexible than the
> simple system I had in version 3.
Thanks I was missing a space before the word default causing a syntax error .
Dott. Sergio Rabellino
Technical Staff
Department of Computer Science
University of Torino (Italy)
Tel. +39-0116706701
Fax. +39-011751603
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