Spam: Re: # SENDMAIL_RELAY Question

Daniel Gercke gercke at HNM.DE
Wed Mar 3 15:00:44 GMT 2004

Sorry i´m not very familiar with sendmail config. Where should i add 
this (sendmail.m4 or

When i add this, will the machine called mailscanner relay the mails or 
must i add all domains to /etc/mail/relay-domains ?

Pentland G. schrieb:
> Try this...
> # If email is bound to the local domain, what will do local delivery for us?
> dnl
> D{DefaultLocalDeliveryHost}YOURHOST.DOMAIN.COM
> # Allocate a slot for the domain name
> R$+                                                             $: < > $1
> # Addresses qualified with the local machine name - unqualify them
> R< > $+ < @ $j . >              $: < > $1
> # Addresses qualified with a local domain - unqualify them
> R< > $+ < @ $=w . >             $: < > $1
> # Anything else on the qualification is non-local so return and parse normally
> R< > $* @ $*                            $@ $1 @ $2
> # Anything unqualified qualify with the local domain
> R< > $+                                                 $: < $M > $1
> # Now send these local emails to the default local delivery servers
> R< $+ > $+                                      $#esmtp $@ ${DefaultLocalDeliveryHost} $: $2 < @ $1 . >
> Hope that helps.
>       -----Original Message----- 
>       From: Daniel Gercke [mailto:gercke at HNM.DE] 
>       Sent: Wed 3/3/2004 11:39 AM 
>       Cc: 
>       Subject: # SENDMAIL_RELAY Question
>       Hello,
>       i have a problem. im running a mailserver with a lot of domains and
>       users. now i hav setup another server with mailscanner. now for some
>       domains i want incoming mails will go through mailscanner and
>       mailscanner should relay this to the old mailserver.
>       for mail coming for world this works fine. but wenn a lokal domain form
>       mailserver sends to another lokal account this mail wouldn´t send
>       through mailscanner this mail will localy delivered.
>       Now my question:
>       What would happen if i add SENDMAIL_RELAY="mailscanner" to
>       sendmailconfig of mailserver ? Will there be a mailloop between these
>       machines?
>       --
>       Diese Nachricht wurde auf Viren und andere gefaerliche Inhalte untersucht
>       und ist - aktuelle Virenscanner vorausgesetzt - sauber.
>       MailScanner dankt transtec fur die freundliche Unterstutzung.

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