ANNOUNCE: Unstable 4.28.2 released

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Mar 2 20:18:28 GMT 2004

At 20:01 02/03/2004, you wrote:
>On Tue, 2004-03-02 at 09:28, Julian Field wrote:
> > This version can now detect and block password-protected zip files.
> >
> > By default it will block all of them, but you can of course use a ruleset
> > to govern the behaviour of the new option
> >          Allow Password-Protected Archives
> >
> > Download as usual from
> >
>I've just installed and tested this - it seems to work as advertised.  I
>appreciate the difficulty with removing individual archives, but just
>wanted to report one issue which is a side effect of removing all parts.
>When sending a pgp signed message the mime structure ends up wrong (you
>have a multipart/signed message without a signed part) which on
>Evolution at least results in a blank message (I'd guess this is MUA
>specific to some extent as the warning text is in the source, just isn't
>rendered due to the mime issues).  Not particularly important to me, but
>just thought I'd mention it.

Thanks for that report.
I intend to rewrite most or all of this code properly at some point soon,
when I get time. It's going to be a good weekend job as I need some
uninterrupted hours, which doesn't happen at work at the moment. The TNEF
handling code will have to be rewritten as well.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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