
Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Tue Mar 2 14:09:36 GMT 2004


> spam checking is done.  Unfortunately, as you all know, we get lots of
> e-mail with forged headers that, based on the header information, shouldn't
> even appear in your mailbox.  This makes using this ruleset for opt-in a
> little ineffective.
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to either (a) work around this
> problem or (b) a better way to allow opt-in?  Thanks in advance.

Just do splitting on MTA level if you use sendmail, then you also avoid a
to: and a cc: problem, if one user (to: one) sets spam check on and the
other (cc: one) doesnt you are toast now :) You have to split each
message and process them seperate. Else its just one message and if its
tagged its tagged.


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