ANNOUNCE: Unstable 4.28.1 released

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Mar 1 15:37:18 GMT 2004

Some code to help you with the current outbreak of viruses hiding inside
zip files.

It will scan zip archives down to a max nesting depth set in
MailScanner.conf like this:
         Maximum Zip Archive Depth = 3

So now you can employ filename and file content checks on files hidden in
zip files. If the zip file is password-protected, then zero-length versions
of each of its members will be created, so you can still do filename checks.

Finding a bad file inside a zip file results in the entire message being
marked as bad, not just the zip file. I intend to fix that later.

You must install the Perl module Archive::Zip first, before trying to run
this version. It will not run without it, and none of the installation
scripts will install it for you. I suggest something like this:
         perl -MCPAN -e shell
         install Archive::Zip
It has a few dependencies, which is why I haven't had a chance to package
it all up for you.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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