Tagging Suggestion

Fri Jun 25 18:24:13 IST 2004

If a message scores over 5 with Spamassassin quietly add "Bulk
<null at mydomain.com>" to the Cc: on the message.  Or maybe "b
<null at mydomain.com>" to make it less noticeable.

Why do this?  Outlook Express can filter based on Cc: content.  For some
stupid reason it cannot filter based on header content though.  Modifying
the Subject line accross the board irritates some users that do not want any
filtering.  Perhaps they won't notice an entry in Cc:?  It won't really
affect them at all unless the hit reply all.

Does anyone know a hack to get Outlook Express to filter based on header
content?  That would make my day.  Perhaps someone could write a free OE
plugin to do this to go with Mailscanner?


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