Mailscanner keeps nagging about postfix queues

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Jun 9 13:41:55 IST 2004

At 13:37 09/06/2004, you wrote:
>Take a look in your spool directory.  This happened
>to me because Razor was dropping a log file in there.  I'm not sure what
>the correct way to get spamassassin to have the razor.log file put
>elsewhere.  If you work it out I'd be very grateful to know.

Best bet is to turn off Razor logging. Look in the (I think)
~/.razor/razor-agent.log file under /var/spool/postfix, change the log
level to 0 and the log file to /dev/null.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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