MTA + AV: opinions?

Andre Costa costa at TECGRAF.PUC-RIO.BR
Tue Jun 8 18:31:25 IST 2004

Hi Kevin,

thks for the info. Comments below...

On Tue, 8 Jun 2004 18:11:50 +0100
Kevin Spicer <kevins at BMRB.CO.UK> wrote:

> On Tue, 2004-06-08 at 17:58, Andre Costa wrote:
> > - has BitDefender improved in anyway since then? Anyone using it?
> I've found it very good, they're also one of the quickest with updates

Cool =)

> > - if not, what (free) AV solution are you guys using? What's your
> > level of satisfaction with it?
> Use ClamAV (as well as Bitdefender) .

Both? Any noticeable impact on performance?

> > - any recommendation about what MTA to use? we've initially dumped
> > sendmail for security reasons, but we're willing to listen to any
> > experience you guys could share.
> Not from personal experience (I use sendmail) but why not use exim?

It's definitely another heavyweight contender, we initially considered
both (exim still isn't out of the game). I remember once trying to
configure exim to use procmail, and it was much more complicated than I
expected, so it left me with the impression it was maybe too complex to
my needs back then. It was sometime ago, so things might have changed in
the meantime...



Andre Oliveira da Costa
(costa at

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