OT: nameservers went lame

Ugo Bellavance ugob at CAMO-ROUTE.COM
Tue Jul 27 21:10:39 IST 2004

Mark Nienberg wrote:

> I'm running a cacheing-only nameserver on my MailScanner server.  It was quiet for
> months, but now I see lots of these in the logs:
> Jul 27 12:40:03 gingham named[3316]:
> lame server resolving ''
> (in '160.99.61.in-addr.arpa'?):

Since march 7th on my very quiet server (200 msg/day).

[root at mta1 log]# grep lame /var/log/messages | wc -l

> Is there something wrong at the root level nameservers?  Perhaps I need a new
> version of the "named.conf" file?  Anybody else seeing this?  That said, everything
> still works fine.  Names are being resolved, RBL's and SURBL are working.


> To be fair, this started a few days ago after I did a kernel update and rebooted, but
> that seems like a coincidence.  Thanks for any insight and I apologize for asking this
> here, but you folks seem to know everything!
> --

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