Fix for MyDoom-O problems

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Jul 27 18:47:19 IST 2004

At 18:41 27/07/2004, you wrote:
>>Due to a bug of my own creation, there have been problems detecting viruses
>>in nested zip files which have the same name as their parent zip files.
>>There are 2 ways of solving this problem:
>>1) Apply the attached patch to
>>2) Install 4.32.4 which I have just released.
>Thanks Julian for the patch.
>If I might ask one quick question, what is the recommended way to patch
>MailScanner? I have not patched Mailscanner before, as I have always
>updated MailScanner using the FreeBSD ports tree. However, I do not have
>time to do that this week and would like to use your patch for MS here today.

"cd" to whatever directory in the FreeBSD ports tree contains
(and the other MailScanner *.pm files).
         patch -p0 <
It should say things about hunks succeeding. Then restart MailScanner.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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