Peter Peters P.G.M.Peters at utwente.nl
Fri Jul 16 07:46:29 IST 2004

On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 17:23:34 +0200, you wrote:

>Sorry. Never came across this problem. I trust SpamAssassin alone. High
>Scoring mail is deleted and low scoring spam is completely moved to my
>personal Junk Mail folder which I tend to have a look at once a day (not
>that there is much in there...). Why bother and decide this per

We have a lot of people who don't want e-mail from China, Korea etc. So
they can filter on those blacklists. But we also have a lot of students
(and teachers) from those countries and they don't want to filter on
that blacklist (they would have nearly 50% false positives).

Peter Peters, senior netwerkbeheerder
Dienst Informatietechnologie, Bibliotheek en Educatie (ITBE)
Universiteit Twente,  Postbus 217,  7500 AE  Enschede
telefoon: 053 - 489 2301, fax: 053 - 489 2383, http://www.utwente.nl/itbe

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