Anyone running big SPARC boxes?

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Wed Jul 7 22:54:37 IST 2004


> For a 4-way system look at the V440, it's much cheaper than the other
> 4-way system, the V480 and performs about the same. All these cheaper
> Sun's have smaller on board caches but still large compared to PC HW.
> After this it becomes not so cheap any more (V880 and up) so I would
> recommend multiple servers of the above models before a bigger iron.
> Always easier to upgrade the software with redundant servers than one
> big one anyway.

We did mailscanning with a V880, one iof the bigger SUN boxes, but
replaces it with a dual xeon. Its simply a waste of money to do scanning
on SPARC systems.


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