Ignore large attachments??

Stijn Jonker SJCJonker at SJC.NL
Thu Jul 1 21:47:14 IST 2004

Hello Brian,

Brian Lewis said the following on 01-Jul-04 22:39:

> Is there a setting in MailScanner to ignore large attachments?  I want to
> never scan/extract/analyze messages that have attachments over say 3
> megs.  This is because the chance of a message over 3 megs being spam or a
> virus is pretty much improbable.  Is there a setting I can change

First of all I don't know of such a setting, but I'm assuming it's not
available because;

While now a days it's more common to receive email based viruses where
the payload is small, I don't think this is wise to skip certain
attachments. What to think of a word file, with embedded graphics AND a
macro virus, or a zip file with some data AND a small executable that
slipped in which is actually some sort of bot, spyware, virus or other
types of malware.

Just my 2 Euri cents..

Met Vriendelijke groet/Yours Sincerely
Stijn Jonker <SJCJonker at sjc.nl>

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